Thursday, November 12, 2009


It's crazy that the events of 1989 resulted in the way that China looks now. Major cities are bustling with business and cutting edge technology while oppression hits the countryside hard. I wonder what tank man, the students, and all those that perished in Tiananmen Square would have thought about the new China. It just seems silly to me that millions of people are still dirt poor after all the fighting and bloodshed that was spilt in hopes that things would change for everyone. Though there is someone that is benefitting from all this. That someone is greedy American corporations.
Not only are the corporations just benefitting from all of this but they are helping to play a part in the oppression. I can't believe that Google and other internet search engines, which are a primary way of getting information in America, have voluntarily censored the search engines. Students in China thought the image of tank man was a joke. Through this censorship the Chinese government will continue to keep people ignorant and oppressed. That is not what Tank man or those at Tianamen Square fought for 10 years ago.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009